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Kontakta Webinar: Strengthening Customer Relationships with AI

Every second a customer waits, you risk losing them With statistics showing that traditional auto-responses or long wait times are no longer adequate, end-to-end AI processing is more important than ever. In this webinar hosted by Kontakta, the Swedish representative for customer service and sales via telephone and digital channels, we’ll discuss how AI and...

Simplifai hosts ministers as they unveil key technology policy roadmap

Simplifai hosted Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre and Digitization and Administration Minister Karianne Tung as they discussed a new policy roadmap that will help the technology industry point the way for innovation and value creation.  The technology industry, marked by “deep” technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, robotics and quantum systems, represent a new...
Bård Myrstad and ministers

Maximizing ROI with AI-Enabled Efficiency: Transforming Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Sector for the Future

In the dynamic world of Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), staying competitive requires more than just keeping pace — it demands staying ahead. The integration of process automation into this sector has been nothing short of revolutionary, bringing about a new level of operational efficiency.

Simplifai and Contemi partner to bring strategic AI Automation to TT Forsikring.

Simplifai, the secure AI Automation provider, and Contemi Solutions, trusted financial technology provider to insurance, asset and wealth management, banking and capital markets industries, announced the latest customer acquisition, TT Forsikring, a Norwegian Insurance Provider. Together, they will take TT Forsikring into a new era of operational excellence and customer service innovation. TT Forsikring, an...

Profitability Through Innovation: The Impact of AI in Insurance

In today’s fiercely competitive insurance market, staying ahead of the curve is not just about offering the best policies. It’s about optimizing profitability in a sector that is sensitive to the slightest shifts in market dynamics.

Flyct Customer Story

We really like the slogan ‘Make humans more human’. It’s not just about doing a lot of work with fewer people; it’s about doing the work well with the right people and giving employees the chance to develop themselves. JEREMy van vugtmanager business development AT flyct letselschade Simplifai takes time for each step and tries...

Simplifai and Kairee Systems Join Forces to Expand its Footprint in the Indian BFSI Sector 

In a significant move aimed at enhancing their market presence, Simplifai, a trailblazer in automation solutions, has announced a reseller partnership with Kairee Systems, one of India's largest players in high-speed scanners and document management solutions.
Simplifai and Kairee Systems Join Forces to Expand its Footprint in the Indian BFSI Sector

Customer-story : Knif Trygghet

We ended up choosing Simplifai in this phase of our road to using AI. We looked for someone that could help us implement something quickly, with an easy-to-use functionality.” SIRI KALVATNCOO & DIRECTOR OF IT AND SUSTAINABILITY AT KNIF TRYGGHET  We believe that AI will be a well-integrated part in the way we work, and...

Simplifai’s 2023: A Year of Growth and Transformation

As the year draws to a close, Simplifai Co-founder and CPO Erik Leung reflects on major achievements, new beginnings and challenges, while looking towards a promising 2024.