Streamline Satisfy Scale

Are manual claims intake processes driving up costs and customer churn?  

Discover how our automated end-to-end solution not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reduces operational costs by up to 50%.

Understanding the Current Challenges  

Insurance companies today face numerous challenges in claims intake including: 

  • Delays due to manual information processing leading to higher operational costs.
  • Inefficiencies causing increased customer churn
  • Manual, or poorly automated claims procedures slowing down settlements
  • Missed opportunities for business expansion due to limited capacity 

We can provide:


Up to 80% claims handled automatically

Reducing reliance on manual processing, leading to a substantial decrease in operational costs. 


25% increase in customer satisfaction

Ensuring swift and accurate response times, reducing the likelihood of customer churn.  


Up to 50% reduction in claims expenses

Directly impacting the bottom line by mitigating the costs associated with manual claims intake.

We solve: 

Lower your response time from hours to a few seconds. 

Shift from slow, manual processing to lightning-fast responses with Simplifai AI Automation, directly enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. 

Lower your response time from hours to a few seconds. 

Shift from slow, manual processing to lightning-fast responses with Simplifai AI Automation, directly enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. 

  • Struggling to resolve the growing volume of customer queries? We help reduce backlog and enhancing satisfaction. 
  • Low Employee Efficiency? High Churn? Our AI streamlines tasks, freeing up staff for higher-value work. 
  • Losing to Competitors? Stay ahead with faster, more accurate service and retains market share. 

Don’t miss out, start your automated claims journey today with Simplifai.

Strengthening performance and customer relations.

Our solution improves accuracy which reduces both overpayments and underpayments of indemnity obligations due to manual error- a direct impact on your combined ratio.   

Customer satisfaction increases due to reduced processing time including access to service representatives to quickly resolve claim disputes and avoiding litigation. Thus, reducing customer churn.

Simplifai understands claims processing, and partners with processors to: 

  • Improve combined ratio by reducing the operational cost with efficient claims processing
  • Add capacity to the claims Intake team for peak seasons and complex cases like cross-border claims 
  • Reduce first response time from hours to a few seconds leading to increased customer trust
  • Enhance customer experience with fast, simple, and satisfying claims processing
  • 24/7 availability and productivity to process large volumes of claims quickly and accurately
  • Empower human resources by allowing them to perform value-added, critical tasks

Van Ameyde: Effortless Cross-Border Claims Management 

Our solution simplifies cross-border claims management, reducing manual workload, and lowering the risk of costly errors and delays.
Experience a seamless, efficient, and accurate approach to cross-border claims intake with the following features:  

  • Multi-Language Support 
  • Best-in-class Regulatory Compliance  
  • Integration with systems, such as Contemi and Sapiens  
  • Customizable Workflow Management  

Van Ameyde is leveraging our compliant, multi-lingual claims intake solution for effective cross-border claims management to eliminate claims leakage and reduce outstanding reserves. 

Align your strategic imperative with our AI solution for continuous business growth 

Drive efficiency, profitability, and scalability

Transform manual, error-prone processes into automated, efficient operations with our AI solutions. 

Out of the box integration with your existing systems

80% of all customer inquiries handled automatically

Claims Link is an independent claims settlement company based out of Norway. The core operations for Claims Link Customer Success Center (CSC) involves processing insurance claims.  

The goals achieved by Claims Link were: 

  • Increased customer experience and efficient claims management 
  • Business scalability at lower cost
  • Secure business operations when scaling

We adhere to the best-in-class data privacy and security protocols 

We offer state-of-the-art, GDPR and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 compliant AI solutions. We respect user’s privacy and prioritize data protection right from design to development following the Secured Software Development Cycle (SSDLC) approach. Our transparent, enterprise-ready AI solutions empowers customers with data control and clear usage purposes.   

Want to know more about our compliance commitment?

Read our e-Book on ‘Scope of Intelligent Automation in Insurance Industry’ for more insights.

Customer Feedback

The AI solution from Simplifai will be the next step for us through its capability to read and interpret unstructured ‘free’ text in emails and several other formats of documents where RPA has limitations.

Egon Scheers Director Operations, Van Ameyde Group

SR-Bank works continuously to streamline internal processes to create better customer experiences. We see great potential for streamlining back-office operations through collaboration with Simplifai. There is also a potential for synergy effects between Simplifai and companies in the Finstart Nordic portfolio.

Glenn Sæther VP Technology, Development and Business Processes, SR-Bank

With the help of Digital Employees, Nh1816 Verzekeringen can organize the claims process more intelligently allowing employees to spend less time manually processing documents and e-mails.

Janwillem Swart Commercial Manager of Nh1816 Verzekeringen

We are looking forward to further utilize new tools and technologies. The agreement with Simplifai is yet another step on our journey to provide solutions and products that are cost-effective and provide a good customer experience.

Einar Storsul CIO at Landkreditt

Achieving a smoother and more effective handling of cases is key to strengthen our customer satisfaction rate, and helps us lower our operational costs.

Rolf Valle CTO at Knif Trygghet Forsikring AS

I must admit that I’m positively surprised by the results. It was delivered as promised (and more) in a very short amount of time. The goal was to achieve a 70% automation grade, and we achieved way more.

Thomas Dinhoff Pedersen CIO at Eika Insurance

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