30% increase in customer support efficiency 

Simplifai supports Claims Link, one of Norway’s fastest growing claims settlement companies, in transforming the insurance industry. 

What’s in it for you?


Inquiries automatically handled

Customer service and claims handling teams can dedicate more time to complex cases and make each customer feel prioritized. 


Time saved

Save 60% of time in first-line customer support every day through streamlined end to end processing of claims handling. 


Customer Service

Immediate and accurate responses to customers around the clock lead to higher customer satisfaction. 

Affiliated with top Nordic insurance advisor Söderberg & Partners, Claims Link specializes in assessing deficiency cases related to home seller insurance. Their strong commitment to providing high customer value has been instrumental in their exceptional growth. 

Ensuring customer satisfaction during business growth 

With 48,000 customer support inquiries and 120,000 case-related emails annually, Claims Link was faced with managing an immense workload without having to upstaff. Tedious and repetitive tasks took valuable time from their employees, leading to long response times and decreased customer satisfaction.

80% of all customer inquiries handled automatically

The goal: Streamlining claims processes to create higher customer value 

  • Scale business operations by 40% every year without upstaffing 
  • Streamline administrative tasks for claims handling and customer support teams 
  • Improve customer satisfaction with faster and more accurate responses 

Simplifai’s solution: smart, safe, swift  

  • Our state of the art AI solution can classify and extract information from free text 
  • We adhere to a ‘privacy by design’ approach, taking data security into consideration from the beginning 
  • Solution is built on GDPR and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 protocol compliant software 
  • Implemented within one quarter 

We’ll continue the work to find suitable tasks for the solution in other parts of the company. We do claims handling with many insurance programs with different complexities; however, there are lots of similar and routine tasks that this technology can handle efficiently. And it can contribute to improving our customer experience.

Mille Haslund Mellbye, former Nordic Head of Claims at Claims Link 

Achieving 100% compliant end to end automation 

Named Sødde, Claims Link’s customized AI solution encompasses email and document processing capabilities.  

They fully transformed their Customer Success Center by automating their customer support workflow and decision support mechanisms. 

  • Solution fetches and reads emails and attachments from the customer support inbox. 
  • It interprets the inquiry based on information in the email and documents and decides on action. 
  • In case of an existing inquiry, action is based on the new input. 
  • In case of a new case, valid policy is found and checked. 
  • In case the policy is invalid or expired the front-desk team is contacted   
  • The solution registers and archives the case. 

Our philosophy is that our customers want to communicate with humans. Using this type of technology will liberate our employees from repetitive tasks so that they can give better advice and have more energy and time for our customers.

Mille Haslund Mellbye, former Nordic Head of Claims at Claims Link 

500+ big and small tasks automated every day 

Simplifai’s solution was enthusiastically welcomed by the customer service team, who recognized its potential to enhance productivity and motivation. Ultimately, our solution supports Claims Link in their mission to increase customer value and maintain growth without the need to upstaff. 

To learn more about how our AI powered solution enables reliable and fast end to end automation, download the full customer story. 

Invest in future work – today.

According to Gartner, 53% of insurance organizations are actively experimenting with or already implementing digital process automation technologies. 

Van Ameyde aims to automate 1 MN claims every year

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Eika Forsikring achieves more than 70% automation grade for their claims department 

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Nh1816 saves 80+ hours per week in manual handling

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