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AMdag AMdag is a conference for insurers and independent financial advisors, providing a platform where industry professionals come together to exchange insights and work together to move the market forward. Read more on the conference TED talk with Van Ameyde and Flyct Our contribution to that effort is a 15-minute TED talk together with Jeremy van...

Breakfast Seminar: How AI revolutionizes Customer Service

About the seminar Complit invites to an insightful breakfast seminar on how AI is changing the rules of the game in the customer service industry and pushing us in an innovative direction. The seminar is a fantastic opportunity to explore the endless possibilities that AI brings to customer service and learn more about how AI...

How to succeed in the age of AI Insurance: Transforming the Future of Work Today

These digital-first insurers are transforming the industry with their forward-thinking approaches and tech-savvy solutions.   The…

Decoding AI-Readiness: Pathways to Strategic and Ethical Digital Integration.

Embracing the $62 billion AI revolution requires more than technology; it's a holistic shift encompassing organizational culture, strategy, and vision. As the AI market is poised to reach $190 billion by 2025, business leaders must gauge their readiness, assess IT infrastructures, understand risk tolerance, maintain uninterrupted services, prioritize data integrity, hone talent, and navigate ethical considerations.


Strategic Alliance: Simplifai Joins Hands with Front AI to Redefine Conversational Automation in the Nordics

Simplifai today announced a strategic partnership with Front AI, a renowned leader in customer service automation and conversational AI from the Nordics. 

Unlocking the Future: Embracing and overcoming Digital Transformation hurdles 

In today's unpredictable market, bypassing digital transformation is a risk organization cannot take if they aim to stay relevant. However, this transformation isn't merely about technology; it demands a holistic shift, encompassing culture, skill sets, working methodologies, and organizational...

Bharat Insurance & Fintech Summit & Awards 2023

We, at Simplifai, are ecstatic to announce our partnership with India’s most significant event in the INSURANCE & FINTECH domain - the Bharat Insurance and Fintech Summit and Awards 2023. Discussing key capabilities that accelerate the digital transformation journey.

Grette Breakfast Seminar

Breakfast Seminar at Grette Grette’s department for technology and digitization invites to a breakfast seminar in their premises on Thursday November 2, 2023 at 08:30-11:00. The main theme is: AI in practice. Simplifai and Holocare will speak about how AI can be used in practice, and Grette will shed light on the legal duties and...