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AI in Banking: Beyond the Buzz to Real-time Benefits

Today, the banking industry stands at a pivotal moment with technology disruptions and evolving consumer demands ushering in a growth curve. And contributing to this momentum are the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence; particularly with the recent rise in enthusiasm caused by Generative AI.

Simplifai welcomes two new Key Account Managers to their Nordic Sales Team

We are thrilled to introduce two highly experienced and motivated professionals joining our Nordic Sales team.

Harnessing the power of AI Algorithms for strategic business growth

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI for business has become a cornerstone for innovation and growth. From tech giants to startups, businesses across the spectrum are employing AI to gain a competitive edge. AI algorithms, the underlying mechanisms that enable machines to learn, predict, and problem-solve, have now taken center stage.
Blog banner_AI Algorithms for businesses

Navigating the AI Revolution: A Pragmatic Approach for Businesses

To thrive in today’s technical landscape businesses, need to implement AI automation. Corporate leaders must focus on the strategic approach to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI).

IMCN Annual Conference – How does AI knowledge empower consultants to redefine strategic guidance?

The Independent Management Consultancies Network (IMCN) held its annual 2023 conference in Oslo. Friday 23rd was devoted to discussing AI, where Simplifai’s Co-Founder and<br>Product Visionary Erik Leung and CCO Daniel Kohn were invited to share insights on AI and how<br>it can help companies flourish without compromising their security. Both highlighted AI’s<br>capabilities to enhance customer experience and allow employees to scale from an operational<br>to a professional function.


Strategic establishments in various regions across Europe and Asia Our offerings for employees

Frequently Asked Questions

Solutions How can AI solutions simplify claim handling process? Simplifai AI solutions can simplify claim handling processes by automating, speeding up, and improving the accuracy of data collection, processing, verification, and analysis. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and cost savings in operations. We provide end-to-end claims processing with multi-language support, regulatory compliance, system...

Empowering future work today: AI for humanized work life

In the midst of a global labor crisis marked by the 'Great Resignation' and employee burnout, the blog highlights the strategic role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in creating a more sustainable work environment. The piece outlines AI's ability to augment human abilities, alleviate workloads, and increase job satisfaction. It positions AI as a vital tool for businesses to attract and retain talent, signaling their commitment to innovation, and fostering a more fulfilling and humane work culture.
Artificial Intelligence for Humanized work life

The transparency act (Åpenhetsloven)

Åpenhetsloven Generelt Simplifai AS er omfattet av Lov om virksomheters åpenhet og arbeid med grunnleggende menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold (Åpenhetsloven). Loven trådte i kraft i Norge 1. juli 2022 og skal fremme virksomheters respekt for menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold. Loven skal også sikre allmennheten tilgang til informasjon om hvordan virksomheter håndterer negative konsekvenser for menneskerettigheter...