14. September 2023
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  • Business Automation
  • Economic Implications of Overlooking AI in Today’s Business Landscape  

    The 21st century has witnessed an unprecedented surge in technological advancements, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the forefront. Companies like Tesla, Amazon, and Google have not only adopted AI but have thrived because of it.

    The 21st century has witnessed an unprecedented surge in technological advancements, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the forefront. Companies like Tesla, Amazon, and Google have not only adopted AI but have thrived because of it.

    But what happens to businesses that don’t jump on this bandwagon? Businesses that bypass the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are stepping on economically unstable ground. Want to know how? In this blog we discuss such implications of overlooking the economic impact of AI on businesses landscape.

    Financial Implications of Bypassing AI in Business Operations 

    AI continues to redefine industry standards. Businesses that ignore significance of AI in business may face various financial and operational challenges in future. As without a doubt AI is the future, let’s have a look at few economic impacts of not implementing AI.  

    Opportunity Costs: 

    Every business aims to maximize its revenue and growth. However, legacy operational methods can lead to significant opportunity costs. Manual processes often lack the efficiency and speed as compared to AI-driven ones. 

    To understand the AI’s compound effect on business in terms of ROI, let’s take an example of opportunity cost and its implications.     

    Opportunity cost is what you lose on selecting one alternative over other.   

    Suppose an insurance company is considering whether to implement AI technology to streamline its claims processing or continue with its current manual process.  

    The cost of manually processing claim is $200,000/year. 

    Claims processed by humans are 2000/year. Hence the return on Foregone option= $100/claim 

    Whereas Cost of AI implementation is $60,000/year. 

    AI can process claims with minimum human involvement is 5000/year. 

    Return on chosen option $12/claim. 

    Hence the opportunity cost is FO-CO= $100-$12= $88/claim 

    This means that for every claim processed without AI, the company is incurring an additional cost of $88 compared to if they had implemented AI. 

    Increased Operational Costs:  

    Beyond missed opportunities, businesses face tangible financial implications from human errors. It includes mistakes in data entry, miscalculations, or oversight. These errors can often be avoided with AI. Moreover, manual labor, especially for repetitive tasks, can be more expensive in the long run as compared to AI solution.  

    Reduced Competitive Edge:  

    In today’s fast-paced market, agility is key. AI offers businesses the flexibility to adapt to market changes rapidly. Traditional service sectors, for instance, have seen a decline in footfall due to the rise of AI-driven platforms. As they offer personalized shopping experiences, faster checkouts, and efficient customer service. 

    Diminished Customer Experience:  

    Today’s consumers expect swift and personalized services. AI plays a pivotal role here, from chatbots addressing queries round the clock to algorithms suggesting personalized content. Traditional banks, with their long queues and paperwork, are now competing with AI-enhanced fintech solutions that offer instant loan approvals, personalized financial advice, and more. The result? A shift in customer loyalty. 

    More Than Just Numbers: The Wide-Ranging Consequences of AI Decisions 

    While the immediate financial implications of not adopting AI are evident, the indirect consequences extend much further. A company’s reputation, once built over decades, can be quickly overshadowed if perceived as technologically stagnant in an AI-driven era. Let’s have a look at the losses beyond direct economics.  

    Reputation & Branding:  

    Today information is at everyone’s fingertips, a brand’s image is more vulnerable than ever. Consumers are not just buying products or services; they’re investing in a brand’s ethos, its vision for the future. Being perceived as a forward-thinking brand is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Companies that ignore AI adoption somehow send a message that they’re resistant to change. This can paint them as stagnant or outdated in the eyes of the consumers, potentially eroding customer trust and loyalty. 

    Employee Satisfaction: 

    The interpretation of AI’s potential in employee satisfaction is huge. AI’s true value lies in its ability to complement human capabilities. By taking over mundane, time-consuming tasks, AI allows employees to redirect their focus towards more strategic, creative, and value-driven aspects of their roles. This not only leads to increased productivity but also fosters a sense of fulfilment and purpose among employees. In a world where job satisfaction is closely linked to employee retention, integrating AI can be a game-changer for fostering a motivated workforce. 

    The AI Revolution: A Call to Action for Businesses 

    As we gaze into the horizon of the business world, one thing becomes abundantly clear: AI is not just a passing trend—it’s the future of workforce in today’s time. Industry experts and analysts predict a landscape where AI will be the cornerstone of business operations. Those businesses that recognize and harness the power of AI stand to gain immensely, enjoying benefits like increased profitability, streamlined operations, and a fiercely loyal customer base. On the other hand, businesses that remain passive or apprehensive about AI adoption are treading on thin ice. The widening gap between AI adopters and non-adopters isn’t just about technology; it’s about relevance. And in this rapidly evolving world, those who don’t adapt risk fading into obsolescence. 

    AI in Business: The Risks of Remaining on the Sidelines 

    AI continues to shape the global business landscape; the real risk lies not in its adoption but in its avoidance. While integrating AI might require an initial investment, the long-term returns—in financial metrics, brand value, operational efficiency, and overall relevance—are immeasurable. Now is the time for businesses to seize the opportunities AI presents, ensuring not only their survival but also their thriving success.  AI plays the pivotal force in driving the holistic business successes today. 


    1. https://www.goldmansachs.com/intelligence/pages/generative-ai-could-raise-global-gdp-by-7-percent.html 
    1. https://www.elibrary.imf.org/view/journals/087/2021/024/article-A001-en.xml 
    1. https://www.zendesk.com/in/blog/ai-customer-experience/ 
    1. https://newsroom.accenture.com/news/accenture-technology-vision-2023-generative-ai-to-usher-in-a-bold-new-future-for-business-merging-physical-and-digital-worlds.htm 
    1. gartner.com/document/4695599?ref=solrAll&refval=377937606&