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The transparency act (Norwegian)

Åpenhetsloven Generelt Simplifai AS er omfattet av Lov om virksomheters åpenhet og arbeid med grunnleggende menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold (Åpenhetsloven). Loven trådte i kraft i Norge 1. juli 2022 og skal fremme virksomheters respekt for menneskerettigheter og anstendige arbeidsforhold. Loven skal også sikre allmennheten tilgang til informasjon om hvordan virksomheter håndterer negative konsekvenser for menneskerettigheter...

Transforming Insurance with AI: Simplifai’s Innovative Approach

In an era where customer expectations are rising, Simplifai is ushering in a new age of efficiency in the insurance industry. Using advanced our AI solutions - InsuranceGPT, Claims Handling, Customer Service, and Document Handling, we are driving automation, enhancing customer experience, and streamlining operations like never before.
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Webinar on demand – InsuranceGPT: An AI solution for full-scale insurance claims automation

We recently rolled out our latest AI solution called InsuranceGPT for businesses to harness the power of Generative AI. With this, we provide a new level of precision in AI automation for insurance businesses.

Supercharging Business Success with AI in the Back Office

66% of banking and investment service CIOs plan to deploy artificial intelligence (AI) as the top technology for implementation within the next 12 months to three years.[1]
AI in back office

Simplifai launches world-first generative AI tool for insurance

The first custom-built AI GPT tool for insurers offers ChatGPT-like enhanced decision making for automated claims management, while maintaining privacy and data security

Simplifai Rebranding Journey – an Interview with Erik Leung

Our Chief Product Officer Erik Leung, who co-founded the company together with Bård Myrstad in 2017, shares insights into the transformation that has taken place since our humble beginning six years ago, and sheds light on the reasons behind our recent rebranding.

Simplifai launches an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution for digital archiving of emails and attachments. 

Simplifai, the Secure AI company, today announced the public launch of Simplifai Archiver, an AI-powered solution that intelligently archives email and attached documents.

Revolusjoner dataarkivering og tilgjengelighet med AI 

Pioneering the future of AI Automation solutions

Rebranding is a pivotal moment in a company’s journey and represents a renewed focus on its values, mission, and vision. We are thrilled to reveal our latest rebranding that reflects our vision of delivering AI in the form of simple, user-friendly, and accessible automation solutions for future work, today.