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Simplifai to develop digital lawyer solution with Claims Link and HDI Global Specialty

Simplifai to develop digital lawyer solution with Claims Link and HDI Global Specialty Simplifai will together with the independent claims handling company Claims Link and insurance company HDI Global Specialty start developing an advanced AI tool to automate complex proceedings for the insurance industry. The project has recently received funding from Innovation Norway and the...

No dearth of scope for Intelligent Process Automation: What’s next on the horizon for process automation

No dearth of scope for Intelligent Process Automation: What’s next on the horizon for process automation These are transformative times that we’re living in, and to progress in a technologically tumultuous age is to adapt to new advancements that aim towards making everyday life better. Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is one of the newest such...

Simplifai signs deal with leading insurer in the Netherlands

Simplifai signs deal with leading insurer in the Netherlands Simplifai signs leading insurer “Nh1816 Verzekeringen” in the Netherlands, providing its AI-powered Digital Employee technology to help automate the intake and handling of Claims. This is a milestone deal in the Dutch insurance market. Nh1816 Verzekeringen, founded in 1816, is a traditional and independent player in...

Key highlights from Simplifai’s event session at the 2nd BFSI Gamechanger Summit

Key highlights from Simplifai’s event session at the 2nd BFSI Gamechanger Summit Transformative strides in the BFSI sector with business automation Simplifai was associated recently with the 2nd BFSI Gamechanger Summit held from Aug 18-20, 2021, as a proud Artificial Intelligence Partner. Intended for CXOs and a C-level business executive audience, this virtual event aimed...

Simplifai enters a strategic partnership with healthcare solution provider Avans Soma AS

Simplifai enters a strategic partnership with healthcare solution provider Avans Soma AS Simplifai has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with the healthcare solution provider Avans Soma AS making them capable of using AI directly in their patient-related solutions. Avans Soma AS has its headquarters in Dale in Sunnfjord, Norway, with offices also in Bergen...

The dark days of debt collection are over; an abundance of opportunities lie ahead by using digital automation for debt collection practices

The dark days of debt collection are over; an abundance of opportunities lie ahead by using digital automation for debt collection practices The need for AI-powered automation for debt collection Debt collection practices have evolved tremendously in the last few decades with the advent of technological aids. These help collection agencies and individual creditors manage...

Simplifai enters a strategic partnership with Easy2You and anchors a vital position in the digital logistics sector

Simplifai enters a strategic partnership with Easy2You and anchors a vital position in the digital logistics sector Simplifai has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with the LogTech company Easy2You Technology Easy2You Technology has its headquarters in Ålesund, Norway, and delivers digital logistics services to online retailers and the private and public sectors. Their technology...

Simplifai exceeds expectations with impeccable proof-of-concept: lands new contract with insurance specialist Eika Forsikring

Simplifai exceeds expectations with impeccable proof-of-concept: lands new contract with insurance specialist Eika Forsikring Simplifai has won a significant contract with insurance specialist Eika Forsikring, following a successful proof of concept project earlier this year, exceeding expected results by 17%. The deal comprises license agreements and delivery of Documentbot and Emailbot technologies, with front-end and...

The Role Played by Intelligent Process Automation for Insurance Companies – Streamlining the Customer Experience Forever

The Role Played by Intelligent Process Automation for Insurance Companies – Streamlining the Customer Experience Forever Insurance companies arguably receive a massive volume of customer inquiries every year, and many of these are not too simple to handle. Burdened with increasing requests ranging from insurance policy information to payments, and renewal to complicated grievances, insurance...