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Importance of AI customer success management after delivery and deployment

Introduction – The need for customer success management practices With the increasing penetration of Artificial Intelligence in the business world, it becomes imperative for AI products and solution companies to engage their clientele in different post-deployment practices. According to Gartner, only 53% of AI projects make it from prototypes to production, which means most companies...

Tackling the obstacle of unstructured text using AI-powered email automation

Since email is a prime source of corporate communication, millions of bytes of unstructured data circulate all over the globe every day. It thus becomes imperative to use modern technology solutions to process complex datasets and derive meaningful output from them.

Key Highlights and Takeaways from the Digital Insurance Agenda 2022 event

Simplifai recently participated in the Digital Insurance Agenda (DIA) Event that took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands from June 29-30, 2022.

Simplifai and Contemi Solutions enters a partnership to bring new digital capabilities to the European and Asian Insurance sector

<strong>Simplifai has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with the insurance solution specialist Contemi Solutions. This will ensure Simplifai access to a new and untapped customer group and strengthen its presence in Asia.</strong>  

Unlock the secret to customer engagement with business automation

This blog covers some of the prime ways of business automation by which your business can follow good customer engagement practices and overall contribute to a good customer experience.

Can AI and humans co-exist at the workplace?

Several recent studies have revealed that AI and humans working together are expected to create wonders in the workplace environment.

Are AI trends in 2022 living up to their expectations?

Industry and market experts, CIOs, and even PR agencies have all given a variety of opinions about how AI applications are performing in different industries.

Knowit Denmark forms new partnership with Simplifai

One year after partnering with Knowit Norway, Simplifai has formed a strong collaboration with Knowit Denmark, bringing the two companies closer together and strengthening Simplifai’s presence in the Danish market.  

Artificial Intelligence is now more within reach for your business than ever

Long gone are the days when Artificial Intelligence (AI) was thought to be a futuristic technology that was only used in research & development, scientific organizations, and military purposes.