4. August 2022
  • Artificial Intelligence and Tech
  • Technology
  • Key Aspects of Responsible AI and Ethical AI that every business should know

    Responsible AI is the practice of designing, developing, and deploying AI with a good intention to empower employees and businesses. Whereas Ethical AI is the branch of ethics of technology that is specific to Artificial Intelligence systems. 


    Responsible AI is the practice of designing, developing, and deploying AI with a good intention to empower employees and businesses. Whereas Ethical AI is the branch of ethics of technology that is specific to Artificial Intelligence systems. 

    By adopting responsible AI, organizations can allow a positive impact on customers and help them inculcate the virtues of trust, transparency, and an unbiased approach in their work environment. The adoption of ethical AI deals with regulating the moral behavior of humans while designing, using, and treating AI systems and solutions. 

    This blog covers some of the key facets of the Responsible AI and Ethical AI framework and talks about important practices that should be followed by businesses that develop and use AI techniques. Some of the major sections covered in this blog are the principles of Responsible AI, the necessity to abide by these principles, the importance of both Responsible and Ethical AI, societal challenges and benefits, and finally the ways the adopt Responsible AI and Ethical AI practices.

    Importance of responsible and ethical AI 

    Businesses and their individual employees should be aware of certain processes that help Artificial Intelligence systems to understand human norms, values, and intentions in a positive light. It is thus important to generate awareness about specific guidelines and regulations of AI governance, to ensure that business work processes are compliant with these. These practices can further enable AI solution vendors and their clientele to use AI in ways that are human-centered, morally correct, and ethically sound. The section below presents some of the principles of Responsible and Ethical AI that support the necessity for businesses to be aware of them, before venturing into AI implementation.

    Societal challenges that need implementation ethics of Artificial Intelligence 

    One of the key challenges of unethical AI is the rise in operational bias. This is a result of algorithms becoming increasingly biased as AI keeps evolving, combined with an inherent bias that might be present in employees who oversee developing AI applications. This further is visible during AI training processes, training output, and in the implementation phase. 

    Another key challenge is developing and maintaining healthy relations with customers and B2C consumers which can be improved through AI technologies. This hurdle often occurs when aspects related to Responsible AI can support efficiency, transparency, and inadequate capacity when implemented properly. 

    Benefits of responsible AI  and Ethical AI for businesses

    With Responsible AI methods, businesses can shape their key objectives and follow carefully monitored governance strategies to flourish. The following benefits of ethical AI elaborate more in this context:

    Building AI transparency – enhance trust and transparency among employees within the organization and their customers by developing AI that is transparent across business processes and functions. 

    Provide data privacy and security – ensure that sensitive data and customer information is never used unethically and provide data security and restricted data access depending on requirement and usage. 

    Risk mitigation for stakeholders – An ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence helps businesses establish techniques that benefits stakeholders across different verticals and overall society.  

    Eliminating bias – Developing ethical AI can reduce organizational bias among employees and reduce associated errors by ensuring that a sense of uniformity and awareness is integrated in the Artificial Intelligence technology. 

    How can businesses adopt responsible and ethical AI practices?

    Given below is a good strategy to incorporate AI solutions that are ethical and unbiased in day-to-day work in businesses. There are many such strategies that can be used in different business environments, but the following points remain mostly similar:

    Human-centered design approach – Develop clarity and clearly defined control for a good user experience that provides the feeling of a human working alongside, but with very high efficiency. Make AI solutions in a way that they can augment the workforce of an organization with a friendly human-like appearance. 

    Establish principles of governance – Define and design a strong mission plan comprising of mission principles that need be followed by everyone who is a part of a business. These principles should outline the guidelines to follow while working with AI in an ethically sound and responsible manner. 

    Identification of multiple metrics – Use multiple metrics while designing AI solutions to assess training and monitoring. This helps identify differences between different errors and customer experiences.  

    Policy control and monitoring – Continue monitoring and updating AI systems after deployment, gather user feedback, and perform analysis of system quality and user experience. 

    Training and workplace culture – Provide necessary training to employees and set up an appropriate work culture that encourages them to adhere to any legal principles associated with AI solution development. 

    What Simplifai does to develop Responsible AI and Ethical AI solutions  
    • Use top-of-the-line data encryption practices 
    • Strict data usage and incident management training 
    • Restricted data transfers between different stakeholders 
    • Use approved techniques such as customer lockboxes and data masking 
    • Follow an explicit approval system for data access during service operations
    • Perform regular audits and vulnerability assessments to detect risks and threats
    • Regular operational routines to maintain our AI-based products as human-centered designs
    • Anonymize sensitive data of clientele and automatic data deletion after fulfilling the purpose
    • Periodic internal awareness sessions and necessary training for the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence 

    All these actions reflect the details described earlier such as adoption strategy, benefits, challenges that need to be tackled, and the principles. In this way, businesses can develop ethically bound AI applications for their work operations.

    About Simplifai

    Simplifai is an AI solutions company that creates and configures responsible and ethical Artificial Intelligence solutions for businesses. Our products and solutions are developed by following the principles of responsible AI. We have best-in-class data privacy and security compliances in place. 

    We ensure that our offerings follow principles of responsible and ethical AI in terms of processing information and providing related output by incorporating a human-centric design approach, policy control and monitoring, generating internal awareness among employees about ethical AI, and more.

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