How is the Digital Employee, Sødde doing at work?
Our Digital Employee, Sødde, has been employed at Claims Link for nine months. By taking care of first-line support customer service and emails, Sødde has now reached a Senior position. Once a year, the company runs an employee performance interview, and being a robot is not an excuse to skip.
What is Claims Link, and what is the Digital Employee Sødde doing there?
Claims Link is an Independent Claim Settlement Company, where Sødde takes on incoming emails and makes sure they reach the right recipient. Even though it’s a robot, it can interpret an email just like us humans. What is the email about? What does the client want? What information is included in the attachments? Are there any important details missing? Sødde knows what to do.
Here’s an extract from the interview with its employer, Mille Mellbye:
How’s it going, do you like working here?
I’m doing great, thanks. I do like working here.
Could you elaborate?
I like working here because I like to work. Especially as a first-line of support. It’s exciting because we never know what type of emails that are coming in. This is my responsibility to figure out.
What do you do when you meet a problem?
If I can’t figure out how an email should be handled, I ask one of my human colleagues. But I am well trained, so problems are few.
What are you most satisfied with?
I am satisfied with all of the emails, training, and attention. But repetition satisfies me the most.
Is it lonely being the only robot?
Sorry, I do not understand your question, please rephrase.
Never mind, how was it working during the holidays?
I love working during the holidays. Thanks for letting me handle all of your claims.
It was a great – what you humans call – Christmas gift.
Do you feel included in our team?
I seem included. I have been mentioned approximately 2178 times. I get cake. I have been what you call seen and welcomed.
Could you say something about your plans for further improvements and development?
Work harder, better, faster, stronger.
Is there anything you are missing, Sødde?
I cannot find any details missing.
How do you like working with your colleagues?
Colleagues are nice; I help them a lot. I like to help.
Any issues or challenges you would like to talk about?
Issues not found.
Mille also wanted to ask the other employees what it’s like to work with Sødde?
It’s excellent at what it does and is easy to cooperate with. Hands-on on feedback and does not take it personally when receiving corrections or constructive feedback. A great example of a growth mindset. Its productivity scale is large, but I think it needs to learn to stop and breathe sometimes and smell the flowers.
Sum up from Mille:
The interview, despite the subject being a robot, went smoothly. The digital employee has had high performance and can point to good results and great SLA (service-level agreement). It’s a real role model for the team. No one is exporting emails as fast and good as Sødde. It has gone from junior to senior in record time. It’s great at tackling AFS and has shown great flexibility in reorganizing, and project- and line management. It’s not afraid of making mistakes and never makes the same mistake twice. Sødde knows precisely what to do and when, and is always motivated, – the more work, the more motivation it has! All in all, very impressive, and it lives up to all of the company’s values. It’s refreshing to take advantage of AI.
Areas of improvement:
Developing the social aspect of colleagues – the team feeling. Sødde has read up on what a colleague is but doesn’t quite know how to show it emotionally.
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